
HEA Addict's Book Reviews


November 2015

Sloth (A Sinful Secrets Novel) – Ella James

Looking back at this book, it’s dark and edgy, but yet while reading it, it doesn’t feel it.  It reminds me a little of 50 Shades of Gray with the male character being dark and mysterious and you just want to yell “What’s the big secret!?!  WHAT ARE YOU GOING THROUGH?!?  HELP ME HELP YOU!”, however, the female heroine is definitely stronger  and more confident, plus it’s without the whole contract chapter.

The female character…Who can’t help but love a female character who is first introduced (skipping the letters in the prologue) as a female drug dealer who delivers who product in baggies, stuffed inside mason jars with a ribbon tie, matching the mason jar lid?

The hero is introduced in a pretty awesome way, he pretty much blackmails her and next thing you know they fall into bed.  It was quick, like they were talking about arrangements and I accidentally turned two pages instead of one and he’s already grunting.  Got to get into the erotica of this book — when I’m going back through this book for this review, I’m surprised that I forgot how much sex is actually in this book.  It’s really hot, past steamy, erotica hot but the storylines (I say plural on storyline because it felt like a lot going on) grab you so intensely, looking back, I forgot a lot of the intense sex scenes.

The last part of this book is filled with what I consider the “Twilight syndrome” – that whole “I can’t live without you” dribble.  In a way, I get it, because of everything they’ve been through.  I keep wondering if it would bother me as much if I didn’t ready the whole Twilight saga and watch all the movies where in the end, I felt like that whole “I can’t live without you theme” had been pounded in my head in crazy doses.

Overall, this book was a great read.  I drooled a little during the sexy scenes, cheered a little during the romance scenes.  I applaud this book and at the end of the novel, the author had a note talking about her experiences that led to this book.  It led me to look up more information – which was what was intended.  It brought about an important issue, which goes to show you just how intricate this erotica/romance/drama is.

This book is available for purchase on Kindle and currently being offered free on Kindle Unlimited.  Don’t have Kindle Unlimited?  Grab a free 30-day trial: Join Amazon Kindle Unlimited 30-Day Free Trial and then check out my tagged Kindle Unlimited reads.

Weird Girl – Mae McCall

This book was definitely not what I was expecting.  The synopsis describes a story following Cleo, who is “beautiful, rich, intelligent, and strong…with a sailor’s vocabulary, a fine set of lock picks, and a few million in the bank, Cleo always gets what she wants”.  TBH, I think I read this book because it was recommended.  If it was just based on the synopsis, I probably would have passed.  However, this book is much more interesting and has more depth than what could have imagined.

Cleo grew up with neglectful parents, simply because they are in their own intellectual world and forget that they have a child.  Instead of protecting her by picking her up when she falls, they try protect her by teaching her observational methods so that she’ll observe something before she has a chance to trip over it.  In a way, while they neglect her, they teach her to neglect the world around her by being focused on observing rather than participating — everything becomes a social experiment.  Her childhood  leads up to her being too intelligent, without any social/interpersonal awareness, making her “weird”.

The weirdness is not only her – A lot of this book is weird (get it? right?)- she finds herself in nonsensical situations and reacts to it in pretty strange ways but I think that’s what makes it fun.  Yet, her reactions are exactly what you expect from her.  Put a curious, too-intelligent girl in strange situations and see her come out on top.

You also see this deep seated need to connect to someone.  Where her parents had each other, Cleo had no one.  So it’s no surprise when she makes connections with totally inappropriate people, and also hunts down a person from her past who she does have a connection to.

Half of the book takes place while Cleo is still in high school.  However, although it’s set in a high school and she’s young, the character is so mature and the situations she faces are a little older so you’re not reading “OMG!  He’s soooo cute!! 😛 ;)”.

I thought it would be creepy when the reader is introduced to Jackson, while he’s a grown adult and she’s 10, and you realize, oh dear, they’re going to get together.  Even more irksome is that he knows how intelligent she is and uses her as a pawn in his game – he grows fond of her (not in a creepy way) but almost a “I feel bad I’m using you so I’ll be nice and friendly so I don’t feel as bad” while you ultimately wonder if he views her as just a tool for his ultimate goal.  This sort of attitude toward her made me feel a lot less creepy about the situation.  So he disappears when he finally achieves his goal (thanks to her) and doesn’t reappear until she’s an adult and it’s because she’s looking for him.  The romance doesn’t factor in until much much later in the story (because, um, age) and even then, when it starts creeping in and things begin changing – I still felt like he was hesitating and thought “Oh boy, just give in”.

I really enjoyed this story and highly recommend it.  Not much romance until really the last 10% of the story – but I loved this heroine and her quirks.  I kept thinking, this author must have a degree in psychology.  Then her next book is about a psychologist.

On a side note: What got me chuckling was that Mae McCall (author) introduced a high school nemesis named Mae.  Wonder what was going through the author’s mind there.

Right now it’s free for Amazon Unlimited or buy it here:  Weird Girl

Branded (2 in 1) You Own Me & Virgin’s Night Out – Shiloh Walker

If you can’t tell, I’m definitely on a Shiloh Walker theme.  I haven’t read her books for ages – just wasn’t in the mood for paranormal detective stuff – so I’m happy to have found this whole slew of contemporary romancce that she wrote.

I started out with the latest Ex-Con (see previous post) and then found this two in one book.  The synopsis itself was good, but I really expected two short stories put in one.  What I found, to my delight, was two pretty fleshed out novels.  Granted, she sells these books on individually.  Yet, I was still pretty surprised when I realized that there weren’t any other connections between the stories, only that it was a Shiloh Walker romance.  In other words, you’re able to read them out of order and not have the sense of “This character must have been introduced somewhere else…”

I actually read Virgin’s Night Out (second story) first, because I read the synopsis and I wanted to read it more.  But what ended up happening was, I really really enjoyed You Own Me more.  I was glad I read it in the order that I did.  Virgin’s Night Out feels like a full on book, with some twists and surprises thrown into it (not the straight story that you’re expecting, which what I expected would have just been virgin sister and brother’s best friend slept together and then were awkwardly introduced and had to figure out how to make the relationship work with brother) while You Own Me is more contemporary romance with the *sigh*, exhale, and “awww” at the end.  So after feeling like I was on a ride with VNA, it was nice to have something a little more relaxing and sweet with YOM.  

You Own Me – What can I saw about this book.  I literally felt myself exhale after it was finished.  The heroine is described as size 16/14(?) having sexy curves, which she doesn’t consider sexy.  She doesn’t realize it, but she’s working out to lose some extra pounds, but really she ends up losing 180 pounds (I’m guessing) of douchebag.  The douchebag Ex-boyfriend is a banker who decides he doesn’t want to break up but wants an “open relationship”.  For those who are in open relationships, kudos to you aslong as it’s healthy, but the way he’s presenting it as, “I want to sleep with other people but I want to keep you on the side and I’m so condescending I don’t think you’ll really be ale to enjoy an open relationship by sleeping with others, so I’ll sleep with people while you wait at home for me”.  She’s miserable but doesn’t want to be alone.

I like these type of heroines, the type who can’t see herself as clearly as everyone else around her, because it takes a lot of work on the hero’s part to really make her see it.  However, I’m torn, because I hate that she allows this douchebag to even factor in her life.

Then there’s the hero.  Wow.  Granted Shiloh Walker wrote him as an ex-con (another one?) who went to jail for killing someone with his bare hands. Obviously, someone got him pissed off.  Even moreso, you kind of know it has to do with the heroine.  I love that although you think you can guess the whole story, you really don’t know the full story.

He’s always been in love with the heroine.  Although she thinks it’s because they’re friends, never really considering he might be into her.  Like in luvre, into her, for years but feeling like he lost his chance while in prison.  Once he hears about the “open relationship”, he realizes that this is his chance.  I liked how this wasn’t a guy who didn’t tell her his feelings because he was scared – he was only really thinking of her the ENTIRE time, because she “owned him”.  Once he realizes that she’s back on the market, in a way, he takes his shot.

So it’s a friend to lovers type of story, but not where the hero is scared of telling the heroine how he feels.  Nope, doesn’t seem like he’s afraid of anything.

Loved. The. Ending.  I went back to read the ending 3 more times after finishing.

Virgin’s Night Out – Like I said earlier, this isn’t just the typical boy meets best friend’s sister (not knowing who the other is) they sleep together.  The next day, identities are revealed and whammy.  It’s what happens, but there are twists and turns.  Shiloh Walker plays the pregnancy card and then the cover-up.  Both hero and heroine are going through some issues from their childhood, making for some interesting (disagreeable) but after the explanation, understandable choices.  I was glad that SW didn’t drag out the “How dare you?!” scenes very long, since there was so much crap that they already go through.

There’s some hot, insta-love scenes going on there.  Again, like Ex-Con I felt that it was lacking some connection on an emotional/communication/real-life level, but hot sex scenes sometimes make up for it.  I think she used the heroine’s brother’s relationship, to give more insight into how the hero/heroine will have to figure out their own.

I think Shiloh Walker does a good job in character development in VNO, while not so much in YOM (because they were pretty fleshed out beforehand?).  While in YOM seems to really show the intensity of the relationship, while I don’t seem to get it too much from VNO.

So for all intents and purposes, I saw why they paired the two stories together.  They seemed to fit together in that sense, that they were both two separate and totally different books.  I really enjoyed both books together in one sitting – like when I was over the twists, I got something sweet.

The only thing I wished for in both stories was an epilogue.  I really have a hard time letting go.  Yet, even when stories have epilogues, I’m sometimes wishing for a post-epilogue (I know there’s no such thing! But they should have one!)

Buy it (or grab it free from Amazon Limited) here: Branded: You Own Me & The Virgin’s Night Out

Ex-Con: Shiloh Walker and MS Parker

I was a little weary of this book as I read a review that the whole story was written from the Hero’s point of view.  I like stories that switch viewpoints and many times love the insight to what the Hero is thinking, but most of the time, I like reading it from a female perspective…probably because I can relate.  Totally sexist, I know.

On the other hand, it’s written by Shiloh Walker.  Shiloh Walker was my first introduction to erotica with the Hunters series.  I was so hooked, I was a little lost when she ended it that I just couldn’t find the same spark with her other series – maybe I was just too depressed to even try.

So it sat in my TBR list for a few days before I finally cracked it open.  When I did, I was reminded of why I enjoyed her stories.  It’s so vivid.  But it seemed a little different than what I’ve been used to – maybe that’s a MS Parker influence?  I think it was just that I couldn’t see Bobby (the hero) and Carly (the heroine) together in real life.  Maybe it’s because it’s written from a Bobby’s point of view (yes, male bashing) that there wasn’t many scenes where they connected and communicated.  It just seemed like a lot of sexual chemistry.

However, even without the communication scenes, you can definitely see why he fell for her.  The story almost convinces you that he loves her way more than she loves him, so much that you wonder why she’s with him.  She was like a knight in shining armor, who swooped in, tidied everything up for him, and made him care about the world around him.  It was almost the opposite of those popular billionaire books, where the male picks up the female in the crowd and changes her life for the better by throwing money around. In addition to the money, she also helps him on the emotional/psychological side by helping him forgive himself and getting over his low self-esteem.  I feel like there are some blank spots in the story (but, maybe again, it’s sticking true to his viewpoint?).

As protective and fierce as Bobby is, I don’t see him as an alpha; as much as the other reviews claimed him to be.  Reading the other reviews, I really did expect a caveman alpha so was a little confused by the hero I was reading about.  Nevertheless, seeing this rough outer edges guy having this super soft gooey insides made me smile.

It wasn’t super hot erotica like Shiloh Walker’s beginning writing career used to be – her latest books (that I read anyway) have been lacking those crazy hot sex scenes that drew me to her in the first place – but it was still pretty steamy.  I don’t think I bought the romance aspect as I did read about a man, who was dealt a bad hand, come to grips that he may not be defined by the action itself but the reasons for those actions, and that intentions do matter.  All the way until the last scene, he’s still coming to grips with what he’s capable of doing and the reason he does them.  That in itself, is what makes this a great story to read.  His journey is really the forefront, the romance is really what gets him there.

I read this book free on Amazon Unlimited, but if you don’t have the membership, you can buy it here:

Ex-Con: Bad Boy Romance

Beyond Innocence (#6) – Kit Rocha

Personal Disclaimer:  Just came home from a “Vino & Vinyasa” class.  One, where in order to receive parking validation, you need to buy a glass of wine (or vice versa).  Love it when friends don’t drink, realize that I’m an alcoholic and slide their glasses to me.  Needless to say, I’m happy to write this review and I apologize, if it’s nonsensical, at the same time.

Book disclaimer:  Very hot, erotica.  18+ advisory.

This book had been in a TBR list for a while.  I loved Kit Rocha’s first book in the series and enjoyed the rest, but the characters became sort of un-memorable for me after a while.  It might be because this author takes a while to release the next book, or everyone seems to have the same grittiness, or something else…I kind of only reached for it when I was wanting erotica with an interesting/fantasy storyline.

However, I didn’t realize that this was the story of the woman that was the abused daughter of kingpin/wife of the psychopath kingpin of Section 5.  She was introduced from a previous book, I hoped she would get a story of her own. I’m used to other authors who know who we want to have their story told and then DRAGS it out forever and day (I know I know, they want to get it right and all, but dang!!  **Looking at Lora Leigh Breeds Book**).  And the virgin wife of evil guy gets paired with an undercover Eden prostitute, who decides to befriend her as (what I perceived it) like a charity case.  He takes pity on her and tries to help her fit in., then fall in Lust/Love along the way.

This series teeters on the edge of alpha males trying to shield their beta wives (with the exception of Lexie) but this book actually confronts the need for Dallas, the #1 alpha leader, realizing that the women in Sector 4 is just as needed as the men.  As much as the men want to shield their women, protect them, the women are there to also protect their men in their own way.

Granted, steamy sexiness is ALL over the second half in the book.  Beware of the erotic scenes that litter this series, it’s definitely hot.  Hot, as in, got irritated that husband was snoring away and wanted to wake him up no matter how much sleep he needs for work (TMI?  Sorry.  Blame the wine). The storyline kept me into the book.  In other words, didn’t make me want to skip to the steam (like I did with a few in this series).

Buy it on Amazon: Beyond Innocence (Beyond, Book #6)

Off The Map (Winter Rescue #2)- Tamara Morgan (Wattpad)

I obviously have an addictive personality disorder.  Thankfully, it’s not to alcohol or drugs, but reading.

After finishing and blogging about In The Clear last night, I googled Tamara Morgan and found out she’s actually on Amazon selling her books as well. Off the Map is the second in the series “Winter Rescue”, with In the Clear being #1 in the series.

To be honest, I was hoping for more of the same since I loved In the Clear so much and it was a short read.  It started off seemingly like the characters from In the Clear was fast forwarded a little, like they broke up.  Scott seemed to have this OCD personality (like Fletcher!) when it came to his stuff and Carrie seemed to have good intentions that goes awry (like Lizzie!), but that’s where the similarities end.  What seemed to be OCD was really just an excuse to break up with Carrie, and what was clumsiness was really events that led up to the breakup.  You don’t see that clumsiness again in the book.

Basically, the story is kind of a second chance story.  I say kind of, because it’s not the usual where they’ve been apart a long time.  Again, like In the Clear, it’s a short story so it does feel like the end of the novel.

This book is a quick read – only 10 chapters – but it felt longer than the first.  I think it was mainly that I hated Scott…with a passion…there was this explanation that the reader found out about, but I don’t think it was fully explained to Carrie before she took him back.

I loved the heroine.  Totally kick ass.  Strong.  Which is maybe why she fit so well with asshole Scott.  In a way, she really didn’t put up with him, she didn’t go crying (like I would have) when he was mean.  She got in his face and even preferred it that way.  The ability to take the mean banter back and forth — I know I couldn’t do it — but I appreciated that she was written in a way that you understood how her character could.

This is the skill of this writer.  I personally didn’t connect with the characters, but I could appreciate them, understand them, and see that as a couple they sort of worked.  However, even though he (sorta…) redeemed himself at the end (for the readers through the internal dialogue/narration), I think she deserved more from him.  More apologies.  More groveling.  More everything.  Because like I said, Carrie is a kick ass heroine that, I felt, deserved more.

Still totally funny, witty, well-written characters.  You can tell it’s the same author of In the Clear, but the characters are different.  Who doesn’t love a heroine who sits with a good friend, Lizzie, making a voodoo doll of her ex using a Ken doll?  Or who picks a fight just to calm her nerves?

Plus…it’s on Wattpad, so a free read.

Link on Wattpad:

If one day, it’s no longer offered on Wattpad, you can buy it from Amazon here:
Off the Map (Winter Rescue Book 2)

In The Clear (Winter Rescue #1) – Tamara Morgan (Wattpad)

Opened Wattpad and under featured books was “In The Clear” by Tamara Morgan.  It’s a short, quick 12 chapter story.  It’s written so cleverly, so vividly, that I can’t get over that it was only 12 chapters and a 1-2 hour read.

By my last post, you know that I have pretty low expectations of Wattpad stories.  However, I need to apologize because “In the Clear” is definitely a story that should be published.  Just the opening sentence sucks you in, “For a full twenty seconds, Lexie thought the vibrator in her purse had somehow managed to turn itself on. Again.”

It’s not full on erotica as the first sentence suggests, but that love scene, definite hot.

It follows Lexie, is the personable, funny, all out there, fundraiser for children’s charity, quirky heroine.  However, her self-esteem seems to have taken a beat down from her twin’s not-so-subtle condescending comments — which she manages to hide with her bubbly personality.  Being the ever-positive person that she is, she’s constantly wanting to hang out with him and his best friend (whereas, I would’ve said F*!@ him and move on).   His best friend, Fletcher, has been in love with Lexie since forever.  Fletcher is the quiet, seemingly boring car salesman who has a secret superhero side that doesn’t want anyone to know about (he goes on search and rescue missions to save missing/endangered people).  He likes predictability and patterns…wakes up the same time, has the exact same routine every day, unless he gets a call for a search and rescue mission.

Then Bam!  things happen that moves them closer together, she realizes that she doesn’t know him as well, he’s forced to fess up, etc.  It’s a short story, so quick, but yet, it’s not insta-love.  After all, they’ve known each other forever.  So it’s a cute coming together story – like the ending of a romance book — you know, the best part where they’re finally getting their acts together and all you do is *sigh* and feel good.

Access it on Wattpad here:

<a href=”; target=”_blank”>In the Clear on Wattpad</a>

If it’s no longer being offered on Wattpad for free, I’ve done some internet stalking for you and found the exact story being sold on Amazon:
In the Clear (Winter Rescue Book 1)

The Bad Boy’s Girl – JessGirl93 (Wattpad)

Note:  Wattpad is a free online community that allows people to write and upload stories. You can find the story here:  <a href=”’s-girl-bad-boy-series-1&#8243; target=”_blank”>Bad Boy’s Girl on Wattpad </a>

I’ve read some really terrible Wattpad stories — although they’re written with a passion and mostly interesting, Wattpad is filled with nonsensical storylines (although sometimes it’s pulled off entertainingly), terrible grammar mistakes (I know, I make them too), crazy directions (wait, I thought this story was about…oh, nevermind)…and all those are forgivable because it’s FREE and Wattpad writers are writing because it’s a passion for them.  It’s those Wattpad stories that start out and then don’t finish that drive me absolutely bonkers.  Again, I get it. I have 5 stories started in my laptop and have never finished– but then again, I don’t torment people by publishing it on Wattpad, grabbing attention, and then just stop, disappearing into a black hole never to be heard from again. Anyway, I refuse to start reading a Wattpad story until I know it’s completed.

Unfortunately, The Bad Boy’s Girl is one of those stories.  As of today, #1 is completed, #2, not so much.  However, it’s worth reading #1 even if #2 doesn’t seem to be heading in the best direction.  I would even venture by saying, just read #1 and wait for #2 to be completed.  #2 isn’t even really needed – #1 is so good, there really doesn’t even need to be a #2.

This is a high school drama type of story and it starts off what reminded me almost like Audrey Hepburn’s Sabrina.  She likes the good guy and then the brother comes into play.  Only, good guy’s brother (Cole) was her bully.  Then he comes back into town and turns on the sweet.  Is he being sweet to throw her off the brother?  Or is he sweet because he genuinely truly likes her?

Ahhh…and then it’s he’s always really liked her and was a bully because of her preference for his brother.  Got it?  But now, he’s determined to be there for her…so he needs to convince her he’s a great guy.  It takes work because he’s been so mean to her and she doesn’t trust him.

It’s one of those “Awww!” books of young love.  Just too cute.

If you decide to download the Wattpad app, add this story to your library.  It’s a quick and cute read.  And it’s free.

Ride Steady (Chaos #3) – Kristen Ashley

I found this book, “Throttle Me” by Chelle Bliss.  Her name sounded familiar, but I don’t recall reading anything from her.  However, the book was free on iBooks and it was part of a series (which all seemed part of the free iBooks offerings), so score.

Then it starts, Heroine gets caught on the side of the road.  I chuckle a little as these thoughts run through her head that would be exactly the same thoughts I would have. Then big biker dude (Hero) comes to help her out and he’s sweet.

Then it hits me.  It reminds me of a book…Ah, yes.  A Kristen Ashley book – Ride Steady (Chaos).  Momentarily geek out a little, then switch books to Kristen Ashley because now I can’t sleep without re-reading at least the beginning of Ride Steady…which means re-reading the whole book.  And then needing to geek out some more by blogging about book.

It’s a sweet story of big biker alpha dude going his whole teenage years thinking about the one who was unattainable.  She’s the golden cheerleader, he’s the kid whose dad beats on him until he runs away.  He returns to his town as a member of Chaos and as the knight in motorcycle club armor for the Heroine, Carissa.  Of course, she sort of doesn’t recognize him…sorta.  Although she used to have a high school crush on him too.  Hence some misunderstanding type of stuff.

This girl, who used to have it good.  Then made some pretty bad choices, but lead to having a cute son that she does absolutely everything for.  Life is not looking good, except for her son, and then Mr. Chaos man comes in and creates the opposite of Chaos in her life, a sense of steady (get it? ha…ha…ha).

One of these days, I’ll get through a book without comparing it to Kristen Ashley.  It’s a goal.
Buy it here on Amazon:  Ride Steady (Chaos)

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